Naka. A place where humanity congregates. The faithfuls, the religious, the regulars, the observers, the avid arguers, the occasional sight seers ... all.
This is the place where you meet unexpected people.
And expected ones.
Like a fly to honey we are drawn to it. Here, in the indistinct murmour of voices one finds a unique peace.
Vishnu, of the Chai
Vishnu's Kettle
'Triangle', Ruia Naka
DP's of the Naka
Harshu, with his WWII style bike helmet.
Bhelwalla (now gone, but used to be there under the tree opp. Shery's)
Sai Juice
Om Sai Sandwich (now moved to opp. Matunga stn.)
Note: This used to be on my 'homepage' which went down when tripod shut it down for some reason I dont know. It was up from 1998 to 2006 at least.