Our short bike trip took us on the erstwhile scenic road towards the Kalyan. These low rolling hills surrounding Mumbai were very beautiful - until the time when the whole area became an industrial zone. Especially chemical industries. Now the industries too have moved to greener pastures, so to speak, leaving behind a stench in the air, a collection of old factories, ugly urbanized and heavily populated 'worker' towns and the remains of the rollings hills in the background.
Here large parts of the hill side are being eaten away to feed the construction demon created because of the new industries coming up amongst the old. The Parsic hills were the first to be eaten. Now all the other surrounding rolling hills.
Nice photo. Is this close to where Errol had taken us rock climbing?
Not at all. He took us to the Mumbra hills. The Kalwa end of them. Remember Nuten's bungalow near the tunnel watching over the Ullhas?
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