Oh so long ago we came here with Errol D'Douza to learn rock climbing. Me, Vivek and Shabbir. We started with the nursery at Kanheri. Then did the slab there at 34. Mumbra was harder – there were lots of loose rocks around.
It must have been sometime in '97 or '98. One early morning we travelled from Kurla by slow train to Mumbra station. We had to go towards the right - towards Kalva. The slums were not as widespread as now but we still had to navigate them. Errol told us of the Nutan (film actress of old) bungalow which was perched on a ridge. It was a famous landmark at that time. From our spot we could see the railway line below us and the water body beyond. Errol was a super fun person with amazing stories. He was also a kickass teacher.
A few years ago I went to stay at a friend's friend's place in Kalva. We reached very late and partied all night. In the morning when I woke up and looked out of the window, lo behold our old rock climbing spot right outside! The buildings have taken over now. Everywhere.
Heard the bad news yesterday that the friends' friend whos house we stayed in Kalva expired recently. :-(
Hello. Glad to see that there are people who are still interested in rock climbing. I have been Climbing and treking since age 16 and Mumbra was the first ever to start. I have climbed The huge square wall right beside Mumbra devi temple on top. As well as the cliff which is there behind the entrance of the temple without any kind of ropes or equipments. Iam a professional trek leader and climber and I organise the climbing, trekking and several other adventure activities including Rapelling, Ziplining, Valley Crossing, Adventure camping and 80 more. This coming months I am gonna start the rock climbing session again.. if you guys want to noin in then whatsapp me on 9867735682 for further details.
Keep climbing.
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