Monday, May 09, 2011

why ...

On the road.
On the road

Back to the blog. After a long while. Talking to myself. For the benefit of my reading in the future. What's the point of a diary which is public ?? Trying to reduce my insignificance in this world ? To go unheard and unseen would be so much less than to have the a hope of a chance of some random travelers seeing this. Or an even remoter hope of them understanding. But I digress ...

Does one really fall in love just like that ? Why do we do it ? Does it just happen ? I dont know, really... I think maybe one meets someone and there is some 'connection' ... some reason to warm to the person. That is just the ingredients there. You need a vessel too. The frame of mind to want to let the other person under your skin (like Jude was advised)... And then there needs to be the fire. The process of actually cooking. I think love only happens if you are willing to cook. It takes time to know someone. To trust someone. To let someone in your life. ....

Maybe. Maybe not.

Duh. 'nuff of this now.